Food Slot Machine Games

Are you hungry? Don't go to the fridge! Here is a category for gourmets, we have always been taught not to play with food, but today we will make a small exception, you will enjoy several slot games based on food. These games are to consume at will and without moderation, you can discover the flavors of different cultures through the sushi generously prepared by a Japanese ninja chef, Chinese cuisine with the famous lacquered duck, American fast food or even Mexican cuisine with tacos and Red peppers. Some editors will also take you to Wonderland, where the clouds are made of ice cream and the trees are shaped like candy. There is something for everyone, so feel free to try some of these slot machines on the subject of cooking and sweets. All this will only whet your appetite! We wish you a good game at! Find here the complete list of online slots with the ability to refine your search by adding multiple filters.

Sugar Monster
Sugar Monster
Candy Blasted
Candy Blasted
Willy’s Hot Chillies
Willy’s Hot Chillies
Dim Sum Prize
Dim Sum Prize
Super Sweets
Super Sweets
Magic Maid Cafe
Magic Maid Cafe
Lucky's Pizza
Lucky's Pizza
Chubby Princess
Chubby Princess
Kitchen Drama : Bbq Frenzy
Kitchen Drama : Bbq Frenzy
Kitchen Drama : Sushi mania
Kitchen Drama : Sushi mani
Grill King
Grill King
Sweet Dream
Sweet Dream
Sunset Delight
Sunset Delight
La Dolce Vita
La Dolce Vita
Wilds Gone Wild
Wilds Gone Wild
Banana Splits
Banana Splits
Jumpin Jalapenos
Jumpin Jalapenos
Heidi’s Bier Haus
Heidi’s Bier Haus
Sweet Alchemy
Sweet Alchemy
Teddy Bear's Picnic
Teddy Bear's Picnic
Sizzling Spins
Sizzling Spins
Sweet 27
Sweet 27
Bakers Treat
Bakers Treat
Pizza Prize
Pizza Prize
Penguin City
Penguin City
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween
Chilli Pop
Chilli Pop
Candy Bars
Candy Bars
Sugar Trail
Sugar Trail
Dollars to Donuts
Dollars to Donuts


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